Fluoride and silver ion concentrations and pH in silver diamine fluoride solutions from Argentina
Fecha de Publicación: Septiembre 2022

Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Odontológica. Vol. 35 Nº 2 Pág. 120- 124
Resumen general
The aim of this study was to measure the fluoride (F) and silver (Ag) ion concentration and the pH, over time, of 2 solutions of 38% silver diamine fluoride (SDF) produced in Argentina. The brand Fluorsilver® was established as Group 1 (G1) (Densell), and the brand FAgamin® (Tedequim) as Group 2 (G2), each with two different lots. The following were determined at time 0 (t0) and 30 days after opening (t30): a) fluoride concentration (w/v) by visible spectrophotometry b) Ag content (w/v) by atomic absorption spectrophotometry c) pH. Results: The data in the freshly opened bottles were for G1 lot1/lot2: a) 0.96/1, b) 8.3/7.8, c).11.5/11.3; G2 lot1/lot2: a) 11.5/9.9, b) 39/39, c) 7/6,9; and after 30 days, G1 lot1/lot2: a) 0.85/0.81, b) 7.2/8.2, c) 11.3/11.6; G2 lot1/lot2: a) 9.35/8.43, b) 38/38, c) 7.6/7.6. Conclusion In relation to the expected values (5.0-5.9% fluoride and 24.4-28.8% silver), the average concentration of fluoride and silver ions was lower for G1, but higher for G2. The pH was alkaline for G1 and neutral for G2. Over the 30 days, the content of fluoride and silver tended to decrease.