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  /  Revistas Científicas   /  2022   /  Glucemia en ayunas entre 100 y 109 mg/dL versus prediabetes según hemoglobina glicosilada

Glucemia en ayunas entre 100 y 109 mg/dL versus prediabetes según hemoglobina glicosilada

Fecha de Publicación: Agosto 2022


Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes. Vol. 56, Nº 2, pág. 51 a 56.

Resumen general

Introduction: some studies have shown that fasting blood glucose values between 100 and 109 mg/dL are associated withhigh rates of prediabetes when the classification criteria areHbA1c values. The Argentine Diabetes Society still maintains110 mg/dL as the value from which a patient is classified ashaving impaired fasting blood glucose; the frequency of individuals possibly incorrectly classified, according to this criterion,is not yet known in any Argentine population.Objectives: to establish the frequency in a population without a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus with fasting blood glucose levels between 100 and 109 mg/dL in which prediabetes occursaccording to HbA1c, to correlate both variables and to quantifythe probability that this predicts with respect to others withfasting blood glucose levels <100 mg/dL.Materials and methods: 1.002 samples from the same numberof subjects from 45 clinical laboratories belonging to ALAC, withlocal processing of blood glucose and centralized processing ofHbA1c by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).Statistical analysis: chi square, odds ratio, Pearson correlationcoefficient, coefficient of determination and Durbin-Watsonserial correlation.Results: frequency of HbA1c ≥5.7% in the studied populationwith fasting blood glucose levels between 100 and 109 mg/dL = 29.7%, chi square test: p<0.001; odds ratio of havingHbA1c ≥5.7% between the population with fasting blood glucose levels of 100 to 109 mg/dL vs that one with values <100mg/dL=4.328 (95% CI 2.922-6.411); r=0.852, r2=0.727, DurbinWatson=1.152.Conclusions: prediabetes diagnosed by HbA1c was four times more frequent in the studied population with fasting glucose values between 100 and 109 mg/dL than in that one withvalues below 100 mg/dL.Key words: prediabetes; HbA1c; glycosylated hemoglobin;fasting blood glucose; normal blood glucose.