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  /  Revistas Científicas   /  2023   /  Baseline Severity and Inflammation Would Influence the Effect of Simvastatin on Clinical Outcomes in Cirrhosis Patients

Baseline Severity and Inflammation Would Influence the Effect of Simvastatin on Clinical Outcomes in Cirrhosis Patients

Fecha de Publicación: Mayo 2023


SPRINGER – Alemania.

Resumen general

Background Simvastatin administration to decompensated cirrhosis patients improved Child-Pugh (CP) at the end of a safety trial (EST). Aim To evaluate whether simvastatin reduces cirrhosis severity through a secondary analysis of the safety trial. Methods Thirty patients CP class (CPc) CPc A (n=6), CPc B (n=22), and CPc C (n=2) received simvastatin for one year. Primary endpoint: cirrhosis severity. Secondary endpoints: health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and hospitalizations for cirrhosis complications. Results Cirrhosis severity decreased baseline versus EST only across CP score (7.3±1.3 versus 6.7±1.7, P=0.041), and CPc: 12 patients lessened from CPc B to CPc A, and three patients increased from CPc A to CPc B (P=0.029). Due to cirrhosis severity changes and diferences in clinical outcomes, 15 patients completed the trial as CPc AEST and another 15 as CPc B/C. At baseline, CPc AEST showed greater albumin and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations than CPc B/C (P=0.036 and P=0.028, respectively). Comparing EST versus baseline, only in CPc AEST, there was a reduction in white-cell blood (P=0.012), neutrophils (P=0.029), monocytes (P=0.035), and C-reactive protein (P=0.046); an increase in albumin (P=0.011); and a recovery in HRQoL (P<0.030). Finally, admissions for cirrhosis complications decreased in CPc AEST versus CPc B/C (P=0.017). Conclusions Simvastatin would reduce cirrhosis severity only in CPc B at baseline in a suitable protein and lipid milieu, possibly due to its anti-infammatory efects. Furthermore, only in CPc AEST would improve HRQoL and reduce admissions by cirrhosis complications. However, as these outcomes were not primary endpoints, they require validation.