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IISAP Odontología

  /  Revistas Científicas   /  2023   /  Hyposalivation and periodontal disease as oral non-articular characteristics in rheumatoid arthritis

Hyposalivation and periodontal disease as oral non-articular characteristics in rheumatoid arthritis

Fecha de Publicación: Julio 2023


Springer, Alemania.

Resumen general

Objective To investigate the association among rheumatoid arthritis (RA), saliva production, and periodontal status.Methods An observational study was carried out on 103 subjects with RA and 103 without RA matched by sex and age. Rheumatologic evaluation included serological and clinical variables. A full mouth periodontal examination was performed according to the American Academy of Periodontology (1999). Resting and stimulated whole salivary flows were determined after spiting during 5 min. Results RA was associated with a higher prevalence of severe periodontitis (12% vs. 4%), with a marked reduction in resting and stimulated saliva production, and with a higher prevalence of resting (19% vs. 0%) and also stimulated hyposalivation (54% vs. 10%), compared with the control group. The differences in mean resting and stimulated salivary flows between RAand control groups persisted after the exclusion of people with hyposalivation. Saliva production was not associated with the presence or the severity of periodontal disease, or with the rheumatic clinical characteristics of the patients. Conclusions More than 50% of people with RA have some degree of reduction in their salivary flows, an affection not associated with the periodontal status or rheumatic activity, which are the expression of the two related inflammatory diseases. The Influence of autonomic dysfunction on hyposalivation can be considered. While periodontitis would be a disease-associated comorbidity of RA, poor saliva production should be included among the extra-articular manifestations.