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Fecha de Publicación: Abril 2022 Referencia ACTA ODONTOLOGICA LATINOAMERICANA : AOL. Vol. 35, Nº 1, Pag. 51-57. Resumen general The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of two methods for collecting saliva samples from infants under 2 years of age for cariogenic streptococci (CS) count. Two collection methods were applied in 11 infants. In Method (A), saliva samples were collected by

Fecha de Publicación: 17 de Agosto 2022 Referencia ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT. Ed. SPRINGER (Alemania) Vol.  194 Nº 10, Pag. 682 Resumen general To evaluate the fluoride concentration and pH of tea derived from Camellia sinensis produced and commercialized in Argentina. Forty-eight varieties of tea (black (n = 16), green (n = 21), red (n = 7), and white (n = 4)) commercialized in

Fecha de Publicación: 31 de Enero 2022 Referencia Girão Júnior FJ, Valadas LAR, Bottenberg P, Lotif MAL, Rodrigues Neto EM, Fonseca SGDC, Bandeira MAM, Squassi A, Dantas TCFB, de Sena NJC, Fonteles MMF. Salivary Fluoride Bioavailability after Brushing with Brazilian Red Propolis Dentifrice: A Clinical Study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2022 Jan 31;2022:6148137. doi: 10.1155/2022/6148137. Resumen general Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar